Changelog for Groovy 1.0.0-JSR-6
- [GROOVY-425] - groovy does not completely support evaluating files
- [GROOVY-433] - Null Object
- [GROOVY-586] - Groovy seems to have trouble with jrockit-j2sdk1.4.2_04-linux
- [GROOVY-735] - Dynamic and static typing
- [GROOVY-736] - Class constructor problem
- [GROOVY-824] - AntBuilder doesn't handle ConditionTask
- [GROOVY-1104] - possible bug in ClassNode#isScript
- [GROOVY-1136] - GroovyClassLoader's additionalPaths has no effect on loadClass(string, boolean)
- [GROOVY-1156] - Can't access nested enums
- [GROOVY-1190] - error running groovyc from ant
- [GROOVY-1219] - AntBuilder fileScanner broken after new Scoping
- [GROOVY-1224] - inter- onstructor call "this ( ..) " makes 2nd object!
- [GROOVY-1225] - Can't access static inner classes
- [GROOVY-1226] - Multiple Class fail to work with loadClass method in GCL
- [GROOVY-1227] - class resolution pb when A.groovy script calls class in B.groovy under Java 5
- [GROOVY-1229] - Problem with access to instance methods from closures in SwingBuilder
- [GROOVY-1234] - assertArrayEquals problem when multidimensional array
- [GROOVY-1241] - Actual ClassNotFoundException is hidden when loading classes with GCL
- [GROOVY-1242] - Cant have a class method returning an array of complex type
- [GROOVY-1243] - class generation does not enforce the "implements" keyword
- [GROOVY-1245] - Switch is not working
- [GROOVY-1249] - Class Reloading Doesn't work with inheritance
- [GROOVY-1250] - BigDecimal unnecessarily coerced into double on method invocation
- [GROOVY-1251] - java.lang.VerifyError with nested closures
- [GROOVY-1252] - Import class does not work with if the imported script is named as 'XXX.gvy' instead of 'XXX.groovy'
- [GROOVY-1254] - NPE in calculateParameterDistance
- [GROOVY-1258] - A extends A causes compiler freeze
- [GROOVY-1265] - using 'this' in field assignments
- [GROOVY-1270] - implementation of interface named exactly as the groovy class, but in another package yields stack overflow
- [GROOVY-1271] - Function names are not properly resoved in Scripts when trying to create a function pointer
- [GROOVY-1274] - NPE executing Collection.toArray( new String[ foo.size() ] )
- [GROOVY-1279] - VerifyError on a method override
- [GROOVY-1281] - GroovyClassLoader should attempt to reload class after compilation error
- [GROOVY-1283] - Names in inner closure are not resolved against the right owner
- [GROOVY-1288] - When creating a map, the key cannot reference to a variable?
- [GROOVY-1291] - GroovyMBean doesn't support the use of overloaded MBean operations
- [GROOVY-1297] - Adding a setX method via a category doesn't work if the property is set via a Map in the constructor
- [GROOVY-1307] - Parameter values not available in nested closures
- [GROOVY-1309] - cannot create class WholeNumber
- [GROOVY-1316] - Groovy Console ClassCastException with groovy/ui/Console.groovy
- [GROOVY-1319] - Object Inspector doesn't start from groovysh
- [GROOVY-1335] - AntBuilder doesn't instantiate Tasks the Ant way
- [GROOVY-1344] - IncompatibleClassChangeError is thrown when an arg is assigned a default value from a static constant of another class.
- [GROOVY-1347] - MissingPropertyException is thrown when calling a method with a default arg set to a static field of another class.
- [GROOVY-1349] - allow throws clause for methodsin interfaces without semicolon
- [GROOVY-1352] - allow GString equals String
- [GROOVY-1354] - Parser fails when parentheses omitted from constructor
- [GROOVY-1357] - VerifyError Exception for boolean member variable
- [GROOVY-1366] - Unexpected newline error in method declaration
- [GROOVY-1373] - use correct class names for arrays, when loading through class$
- [GROOVY-1374] - cache only files by default
- [GROOVY-1390] - Eclipse Project can exist outside of Workspace's physical location
- [GROOVY-1395] - GroovyEclipse RunAs Groovy doesn't check for a main method with the wrong kind of arguments
- [GROOVY-1408] - Closure parameters unnecessarily wrapped in groovy.lang.References
- [GROOVY-1427] - Calling intValue on a bound variable fails with java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError
- [GROOVY-493] - Full stored procedure for groovy.sql.Sql
- [GROOVY-1062] - Error messages when a depended on class is not found are not very informative
- [GROOVY-1119] - allow certain mehtods to be called on null
- [GROOVY-1121] - provide File.size() and Matcher.size()
- [GROOVY-1247] - GroovyTestCase.shouldFail{} should return the message of the enclosed Exception
- [GROOVY-1266] - Groovy Ant task is too chatty
- [GROOVY-1275] - Removing @Property Syntax
- [GROOVY-1289] - Create new methods in GroovyMBean to get MbeanInfo object such as Attributes and Operations of an MBean
- [GROOVY-1290] - Provides a sensible default value for join()
- [GROOVY-1292] - Improve the provision of toXXX methods in DGM
- [GROOVY-1293] - Add toXXX methiods to GPath expressions for objects produced by XMLSlurper
- [GROOVY-1301] - Refactor GCL to allow greater extensibility by sub classes
- [GROOVY-1302] - Provide access to auto-generated column values when using INSERT through groovy.sql.Sql
- [GROOVY-1318] - Add compiler warning for imported classes that can no be found on the classpath
- [GROOVY-1329] - handle null more gracefully in switch/case
- [GROOVY-1362] - leftShift and append on File only work with Strings
- [GROOVY-1371] - Add ability to specify parent class loader for InteractiveShell
- [GROOVY-1490] - Groovy MarkupBuilder generates single quoted attributes
New Feature
- [GROOVY-1246] - All-Groovy Mock support
- [GROOVY-1248] - Class reloading of classes through GCL fails when a groovy class is a subclass of another groovy class