Changelog for Groovy 1.0.0-beta-3


  • [GROOVY-70] - ranges should support backwards iteration too
  • [GROOVY-73] - Wrong return type in function
  • [GROOVY-86] - support -1
  • [GROOVY-90] - variables are not preserved across commands in the shell
  • [GROOVY-91] - Problem calling Java methods that take boolean arguments
  • [GROOVY-93] - Class type not honored
  • [GROOVY-94] - Impossible to compare Double or Float with Integer or Byte
  • [GROOVY-95] - Evaluation fails after the first subscript operator
  • [GROOVY-96] - Property access doesn't always work on Java objects
  • [GROOVY-97] - fix toString() equals() and hashCode() for listener dynamic proxies
  • [GROOVY-98] - use of an undefined variable should throw an exception
  • [GROOVY-99] - modify variables outside closures, then recalling the closure does not use new value
  • [GROOVY-100] - [] operator does not work on Arrays
  • [GROOVY-103] - Invoker helper class depends on mockobjects
  • [GROOVY-104] - addition of two ranges fails
  • [GROOVY-107] - Constructor returns class instead of instance in groovlet
  • [GROOVY-110] - println(true == false) fails
  • [GROOVY-111] - unning groovy with a 0 length file crashes.
  • [GROOVY-113] - entering # into the console causes an infinite loop & 100% CPU
  • [GROOVY-114] - use of 'class' as a property in named-property calling syntax
  • [GROOVY-115] - fix the bug Guillaume found with using foo++ as a key value
  • [GROOVY-116] - calling closures within closures bug
  • [GROOVY-117] - Inconsistent Stack Height bug when using try / finally
  • [GROOVY-118] - updating outer variables in closures inside shell Scripts seems to fail
  • [GROOVY-120] - NullPointer when calling a java.util.Arrays.asList()
  • [GROOVY-122] - print "foo" does not throw compile error
  • [GROOVY-124] - Can't update static variable from closure in static method
  • [GROOVY-126] - MarkupBuilder: no such field "owner" error while generating HTML
  • [GROOVY-127] - Local variable not updated through closure with Groovy shell
  • [GROOVY-129] - A .map of an integer list passes in an IntRange rather than each integer
  • [GROOVY-130] - GString not converted to String in some cases
  • [GROOVY-135] - println requires parentheses when new is used
  • [GROOVY-136] - parser chokes on file names beginning with the slash symbol
  • [GROOVY-137] - unary minus exception
  • [GROOVY-141] - break inside a while loop causes NPE
  • [GROOVY-144] - A closure body can't be a single identifier
  • [GROOVY-145] - Miltiline Strings don't work on Windows
  • [GROOVY-146] - Groovyc doesn't handle Windows format files properly
  • [GROOVY-148] - ternary operator doesn't work


  • [GROOVY-36] - Create some javadoc of all the new methods added to the JDK
  • [GROOVY-46] - Parser to support method declarations in scripts
  • [GROOVY-72] - allow named parameters to be used to create beans. new SomeBean(foo:123, bar:true, xyz:'hello)
  • [GROOVY-79] - GroovyClassLoader should use the generated classes cache
  • [GROOVY-92] - Groovy Strings don't support +=
  • [GROOVY-101] - Add equals(), hashCode(), and Comparable support to GString
  • [GROOVY-123] - Block treated as closure
  • [GROOVY-125] - upto() should be inclusive, just like .. now is
  • [GROOVY-132] - Comparison operators throw NPE, contrary to docs



  • [GROOVY-30] - Add super and class as new static & instance variables
  • [GROOVY-77] - upgrade to latest greatest ASM release
  • [GROOVY-112] - support ... syntax for exclusive ranges?