Changelog for Groovy 1.1.0-beta-3
- [GROOVY-716] - Reader.readLine() consumes too many characters.
- [GROOVY-1456] - MarkupBuilder fails to escape entities in multi-line attributes
- [GROOVY-1708] - VerifyError when referring to a (nonstatic) property from a static method
- [GROOVY-1731] - MarkupBuilder doesn't allow entities (like nbsp)
- [GROOVY-1763] - XmlSlurper GPath: why do children() have no children()?
- [GROOVY-1785] - Problem With MarkupBuilder In Static Method
- [GROOVY-1883] - sporadic MissingMethodExceptions when using categories to override math operators in multi-threaded applications
- [GROOVY-1972] - Qualified class references broken in Groovy 1.1 beta 2
- [GROOVY-1973] - ExpandoMetaClass doesn't inherit methods from super interfaces
- [GROOVY-1980] - GSE non-optimal behaviour
- [GROOVY-1981] - ExpandoMetaClass should not display deprecated warnings when compiled
- [GROOVY-1991] - Groovyc: Pass specified classpath to Javac on Joint Compilation
- [GROOVY-1992] - MultipleCompilationErrorsException was thrown when the codes exist nested java style old loop
- [GROOVY-1994] - Generic behavior is not correct.
- [GROOVY-1998] - try-catch in constructor that calls super() causes VerifyError, Inconsistent stack height 0 != 1
- [GROOVY-2000] - Can't override EMC added static methods if method has arguments
- [GROOVY-2005] - XMLSlurper with Cyberneko, does not find children
- [GROOVY-2008] - The impossible is possible
- [GROOVY-2009] - groovyc doesn't forward classpath to javac when doing joint compilation
- [GROOVY-2010] - BUG! exception on spread expressions
- [GROOVY-2014] - getMetaMethods and getProperties (should be getMetaProperties?) only return GDK methods and not all methods actually available to the class
- [GROOVY-2015] - Under low memory situations ExpandoMetaClass inheritance stops working
- [GROOVY-2029] - When calling printf leads to exceptions in the parsing process of the format, the thrown exception is incorrect
- [GROOVY-2031] - static import is no longer working
- [GROOVY-2032] - MetaClassImpl invokeStaticMethod recurses up the class hierarchy losing the original sender
- [GROOVY-2041] - The new algorithm for LoaderConfiguration's path matching does not work on Windows
- [GROOVY-2045] - Groovy Tests in codehaus subdirs are not executed
- [GROOVY-2047] - When in withWriter() the writer is closed, an exception is thrown after the closure is exited
- [GROOVY-2048] - VerifyError
- [GROOVY-2056] - Ant Task GroovyC and IBM BigDecimal
- [GROOVY-2057] - MetaClassRegistryImpl creates mulitple Metaclasses for the same class
- [GROOVY-2069] - CLONE -Empty Range (0..<0) broken in List.getAt(Range)
- [GROOVY-2076] - Compiling subset of sources when Java references Groovy causes compilation error in Joint Compilation
- [GROOVY-2078] - Multiple compilations errors with Groovy annotations
- [GROOVY-2080] - table in SwingBuilder does not work properly and toolTipText seems not to work
- [GROOVY-2084] - Joint groovy/java compiler doesn't set classpath correctly when path contains spaces in Windows
- [GROOVY-2085] - SwingBuilder muddles up column values in tableModel()
- [GROOVY-2089] - Failing Closure property acces for maximumNumberOfParameters and directive
- [GROOVY-2092] - newlines in enum not fully supported
- [GROOVY-2096] - Regression: Method calls in nested closures started fail
- [GROOVY-2097] - StackOverflowError with Java sources that have no package declarations
- [GROOVY-2103] - CompileTaskSupport sets class loader path incorrectly
- [GROOVY-2105] - Groovy category support is broken in multi-threaded environment
- [GROOVY-2106] - Verify Error if in constructor non-existing variable is referenced in call to super()
- [GROOVY-2107] - Stack overflow occurs when subclass overrides and then calls superclass method containing a closure
- [GROOVY-2111] - No data in ObjectBrowser tables when started from groovyConsole or groovysh
- [GROOVY-2114] - Conditional expression containing an assignment operation requires double parentheses
- [GROOVY-2125] - avoid reflector creation if relfection should be used for method dispatch
- [GROOVY-1524] - Additional helper methods for DOMCategory to make it feel more like XmlParser/Slurper
- [GROOVY-1535] - Improve XML tests and reduce duplication
- [GROOVY-1724] - Extend Map coercion to classes
- [GROOVY-1931] - Map::find() should support two-parameter closures (i.e. key,value -> )
- [GROOVY-1957] - Dynamically added static getters can't be called as properties
- [GROOVY-1974] - Allow customisation of closure variable resolving strategy
- [GROOVY-1986] - Optimizing DefaultGroovyMethods.intersect()
- [GROOVY-2004] - File.withPrintWriter(String charset, Closure closure) is missing in GDK
- [GROOVY-2018] - Need way to make a PropertyColumn non-editable
- [GROOVY-2022] - Allow customisation of GC policy for MetaClass through GroovySystem
- [GROOVY-2034] - Add JLine support to groovysh
- [GROOVY-2039] - Change sleep() variant with closure to enable continued sleep
- [GROOVY-2040] - The iteration method inject() should be provided for Object and Map as well as for Object[] and Collection
- [GROOVY-2042] - Distribution archives should set the file mode of unix scripts to 775
- [GROOVY-2058] - increase Closure performance by using a specialized Closure MetaClass
- [GROOVY-2091] - enum support
- [GROOVY-2100] - add Elvis Operator
- [GROOVY-2108] - Make static methodMissing through EMC use a synthetic method signature to distinguish it from an instance methodMissing
- [GROOVY-2110] - MetaClass.getMetaMethods() only returns methods from DGM, should return all meta methods
- [GROOVY-2121] - change the groovyc ant task to enable embedding the javac ant task
- [GROOVY-2122] - .each {} should return its collection, not void
- [GROOVY-2123] - DGM methods on object for min, max, sum, and perhaps unique and sort
New Feature
- [GROOVY-1988] - Add support for "method missing" behaviour to Groovy
- [GROOVY-2073] - add DGM combinations methods
- [GROOVY-2098] - Add support for propertyMissing to Groovy
- [GROOVY-2109] - Implement respondsTo and hasProperty to make runtime evaluation more elegant
- [GROOVY-2120] - Groovy should have a transpose() method
- [GROOVY-2059] - Add syntax highlighting, printing, search, and undo/redo to Groovy Console
- [GROOVY-2060] - Font Sizeing in Console Broken