Changelog for Groovy 1.1.0-rc-3


  • [GROOVY-134] - New "def" has short term memory in shell
  • [GROOVY-322] - Object allocations using GroovyShell and Binding not GCed
  • [GROOVY-474] - Groovy forgets imports.
  • [GROOVY-807] - 'explain' broken in groovysh
  • [GROOVY-1005] - The javadoc documentation in class org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovyc states wrong name for an attribute
  • [GROOVY-1041] - No message for compilation errors in other files
  • [GROOVY-1079] - Unable to extend abstract Java base class in Groovy, but works from Groovyc
  • [GROOVY-1101] - Wrong line number reported for a ClassCastException
  • [GROOVY-1360] - check why CompilerConfiguration(Properties) isn't used
  • [GROOVY-1419] - calls to category methods (written in Groovy) don't recognise default parameters
  • [GROOVY-1437] - use not nestable
  • [GROOVY-1441] - Syntax problem when multiply negative numbers
  • [GROOVY-1442] - Multi-line strings should use System.getProperty("line.separator") for EOL, not \n
  • [GROOVY-1526] - You cannot reference a closure from within itself without def'ing it first and then assigning it
  • [GROOVY-1593] - Accessing map contents as properties fails for subclasses of HashMap
  • [GROOVY-1613] - groovy.inspect.Inspector isGroovy method probelm
  • [GROOVY-1633] - Problem with shadowing in an abstract class
  • [GROOVY-1639] - Can not do a "new SomeClass()" in a default argument...
  • [GROOVY-1679] - Code causes compilation error even when commented out
  • [GROOVY-1702] - GroovyReflector: Class cast exception
  • [GROOVY-1779] - super does not work for attribute lookup
  • [GROOVY-1808] - make GPath work correctly on arrays
  • [GROOVY-1812] - == operator inconsistent with Object#equals
  • [GROOVY-1843] - java.lang.VerifyError: Expecting to find object/array on stac
  • [GROOVY-1872] - compare operators throws comparing a Long type to a numeric String
  • [GROOVY-1919] - Infinite recursion while getting field from POJC
  • [GROOVY-1923] - Can't call any methods on RootLoader
  • [GROOVY-1932] - ClassCastException caused by startGroovy script
  • [GROOVY-1971] - Casting fails after instanceof succeeds
  • [GROOVY-2016] - It is impossible to use nested Java classes and interfaces.
  • [GROOVY-2026] - How can i iterate recursively through OS Directories and check for files & directories ?
  • [GROOVY-2063] - Class reloading does not work with multi-level dependencies
  • [GROOVY-2090] - stubs for groovy sources with generics should retain generics, e.g. type arguments
  • [GROOVY-2117] - GroovyBuilder causes an NPE on non-Groovy projects
  • [GROOVY-2118] - Need to tag the Groovy Support for a project earlier
  • [GROOVY-2185] - Java stub generator does not generate signatures for methods that take default arguments?
  • [GROOVY-2231] - groovy.servlet.AbstractHttpServlet lacks unit test coverage
  • [GROOVY-2236] - Groovysh in 1.1 rc-1 broken on 64-bit java
  • [GROOVY-2241] - Category does not select method with correct signature
  • [GROOVY-2251] - Groovy Projects are not tracked properly with pre-existing Natures
  • [GROOVY-2255] - ClassLoader problem when creating a GroovyMBean for a remote service
  • [GROOVY-2256] - Unexpected exception when using StubFor and MockFor
  • [GROOVY-2258] - AntBuilder broken by a RC-1 -> RC-2 change: Can't find compiler
  • [GROOVY-2262] - groovy.lang.MetaClassRegistry$MetaClassCreationHandle.create() causing java.lang.StackOverflowError
  • [GROOVY-2263] - DelegatingMetaClass causing java.lang.StackOverflowError when subclassed.
  • [GROOVY-2266] - closure called by using the call method handles arrays incorrectly
  • [GROOVY-2268] - "minimal" generic interface
  • [GROOVY-2272] - ShouldFail does not work with nested exceptions
  • [GROOVY-2273] - DGM.getAt(Collection, String) should not flatten result
  • [GROOVY-2274] - InvokerHelper.getVersion() returns an empty string
  • [GROOVY-2275] - Numbers placed in Strings
  • [GROOVY-2276] - Static typing issue using ternary operator
  • [GROOVY-2277] - run-app fails with JavacJavaCompiler NullPoniterException
  • [GROOVY-2279] - StackOverflowException in MarkupBuilder when inserting element named 'link'
  • [GROOVY-2284] - Groovyc does not accept non-existant files in classpath
  • [GROOVY-2287] - calling negate() method on Integer throws MissingMethodException
  • [GROOVY-2288] - GroovyConsole - Undo/Redo don't set the dirty flag
  • [GROOVY-2289] - Use clause does not work with dinamically created methods
  • [GROOVY-2291] - closure parameter default value
  • [GROOVY-2292] - Binding is not passed to the script if the parsed script text contains no statements
  • [GROOVY-2293] - Delete key not working in groovysh on Mac OS X
  • [GROOVY-2294] - Infinite loop causes StackOverflow retrieving MetaClass for Java class breaking Grails
  • [GROOVY-2295] - Groovy embeddable JAR contains outdated version of Commons CLI causing problems with Gant/Grails
  • [GROOVY-2303] - Upgrading to Groovy 1.1 final snapshot causes LinkageError in Grails
  • [GROOVY-2304] - Minor doc bug in GDK
  • [GROOVY-2307] - Reading static metaClass property of a class replaces existing metaClass in registry
  • [GROOVY-2309] - MockFor does not work properly with zero ranges
  • [GROOVY-2312] - DelegatingMetaClass does not display info about self in toString method
  • [GROOVY-2314] - Remove use of java 5 specific code in LoaderConfiguration
  • [GROOVY-2316] - Incorrect access of protected fields in parent classes
  • [GROOVY-2320] - the abstract method test seems not to know covariant returns types yet
  • [GROOVY-2321] - Sort fails on heterogenous collections
  • [GROOVY-2327] - VerifyError with a Closure using instanceof
  • [GROOVY-2333] - Spread dot operator doesn't work on arrays
  • [GROOVY-2336] - Can't implement a Java interface that references a Groovy class
  • [GROOVY-2338] - correct source-filename for org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.InterfaceTest
  • [GROOVY-2339] - Endless-loop with nested 'each'


  • [GROOVY-392] - an alternative InteractiveShell
  • [GROOVY-860] - Command "clear" for the text InteractiveShell
  • [GROOVY-892] - refactor groovy.inspector.Inspector to be in a different package; either groovy.lang. or groovy.util.
  • [GROOVY-1610] - Allow nesting categories with method override
  • [GROOVY-1719] - MetaClass enhancements
  • [GROOVY-1727] - Groovy shell and Groovy swing console improvements
  • [GROOVY-1728] - Compiler performance
  • [GROOVY-1866] - Extend Closure coercion to classes
  • [GROOVY-2145] - Groovy Project Preferences should override a default global preference
  • [GROOVY-2234] - XmlParser results are missing ability to set attribute values using assignment
  • [GROOVY-2267] - Make CompilerConfiguration copying version independent
  • [GROOVY-2269] - Use qualifier tag to allow Eclipse to place DATE/TIME in version info
  • [GROOVY-2270] - Display line numbers in the groovyConsole
  • [GROOVY-2285] - Keep the current directory of GroovyConsole dialogs
  • [GROOVY-2286] - groovy Ant task: provide better information on script name in exception message / stack
  • [GROOVY-2313] - add ant like file matching logic for the groovy-starter.conf file
  • [GROOVY-2319] - org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.FastArray doesn't overwrite toString() method

New Feature

