Changelog for Groovy 1.5.5


  • [GROOVY-1162] - Can readLine from FileReader
  • [GROOVY-1687] - One-arg methods have implicit default parameter of null
  • [GROOVY-2260] - Wrong install : Exception in thread "Main Thread" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Files\Groovy
  • [GROOVY-2380] - groovysh not working with JVM 1.4.2_06-b03
  • [GROOVY-2424] - Stackoverflow with groovy & ant
  • [GROOVY-2432] - Setting unscoped log level to ALL can cause infiinte loop and stack overflow
  • [GROOVY-2462] - GroovyClassLoader does not parse files saved in utf-8
  • [GROOVY-2523] - compiler complains for loop has empty body
  • [GROOVY-2564] - startGroovy error with solaris
  • [GROOVY-2567] - Antbuilder/Groovy ant task that uses forking java task causes StackOverflow in ANT script
  • [GROOVY-2568] - Questionable code in ReflectionCache
  • [GROOVY-2569] - the equals operator(==) error
  • [GROOVY-2578] - Duplicate imports
  • [GROOVY-2584] - Can't get groovysh to run in a cygwin xterm under Windows XP.
  • [GROOVY-2585] - Can not insert nulls into the table using Sql.execute
  • [GROOVY-2586] - scrollPane() should not allow multiple components as children
  • [GROOVY-2591] - Groovy Ant Task is not executing Groovy Test Cases as the Command Line does
  • [GROOVY-2592] - XmlNodePrinter doesn't escape special characters in attributes
  • [GROOVY-2596] - Found a deadlock when I have mutiple threads running a groovy script
  • [GROOVY-2604] - Annotations on a local variable crash GroovyC
  • [GROOVY-2608] - Objects are sometimes converted on assignment
  • [GROOVY-2614] - Groovy 1.5 no longer calls a category method when the first argument's type is a parent class of the object's class and that class contains the method being overriden.
  • [GROOVY-2617] - Unable to use spread operator with maps
  • [GROOVY-2619] - for ( ; ite.hasNext() ; ) does not compile
  • [GROOVY-2620] - Process.consumeProcessXXX methods do not handle newline properly.
  • [GROOVY-2628] - Command line option for classpath (--cp/--classpath) is broken on Windows
  • [GROOVY-2631] - Two interfaces with the same method
  • [GROOVY-2637] - Enums error
  • [GROOVY-2643] - Delegate property is ignored by closure
  • [GROOVY-2647] - Linenumber for exception during script execution is not reported
  • [GROOVY-2654] - Joint compilation Groovy class stubs missing exception information
  • [GROOVY-2658] - Overloaded methods mismatched arguments
  • [GROOVY-2663] - Groovy's annotation support doesn't deal with default values correctly
  • [GROOVY-2670] - -cp and -clasaspath don't work for Groovy.bat in Vista
  • [GROOVY-2678] - Installation of Groovy in a Path the contains spaces doesn't work (eg "Program Files")
  • [GROOVY-2685] - CLIBuilder regression since 1.5.1
  • [GROOVY-2689] - Strange coersion bug in Groovy shell
  • [GROOVY-2690] - groovy.bat faile to start script that are in a folder with a dash follow with "s"
  • [GROOVY-2694] - CachedClass.CachedMethodComparatorWithString doesn't work on non Sun JDK
  • [GROOVY-2698] - Method dispatch with overloaded methods for Java types doesn't choose the most specific method
  • [GROOVY-2699] - GDK links are wrong
  • [GROOVY-2700] - Joint compiler incorrectly assumes that subclass is a Java class
  • [GROOVY-2705] - ProxyGenerator.instantiateDelegate fails when there are overridden protected methods
  • [GROOVY-2718] - CLONE -JAVA_HOME with Backslash at end results in Error JAVA_HOME not set
  • [GROOVY-2719] - wrong method override is chosen
  • [GROOVY-2722] - A key class for java.util.Map that implements hashCode cause StackOverflowError during get()
  • [GROOVY-2723] - XStream cannot loadXML from GroovyScriptEngine created classes
  • [GROOVY-2726] - Missing 2 else's in InvokerHelper.setAttribute()
  • [GROOVY-2745] - the gsp template can not support unicode(utf-8)


  • [GROOVY-1348] - Patch to provide acess to Script Object in GroovyScriptEngine
  • [GROOVY-2560] - sum, min and friends should work on the same types that collect, each and their friends work on.
  • [GROOVY-2577] - Problems in code completion when GroovyEditor is a part of MultiPageEditor
  • [GROOVY-2598] - eachLine should support a 2 arg closure with index being second arg
  • [GROOVY-2721] - index-all page for Groovy JDK DocGenerator
  • [GROOVY-2735] - Allow to set ClassLoader explicitly for ProxyGenerator class
  • [GROOVY-2744] - It would be useful to have a way to flip posix behavior on/off for CliBuilder without exposing specific Commons CLI classes

New Feature

  • [GROOVY-2593] - DataSet's should allowing sorting
  • [GROOVY-2692] - AntBuilder: support import task and allow to define targets


  • [GROOVY-2758] - Provide better mechanisms to allow output and error streams from run process to be captured