Changelog for Groovy 1.6.0-beta-1


  • [GROOVY-1257] - compiling of classes with missing parents of a parent class
  • [GROOVY-1630] - each(Matcher,Closure) doesn't work for patterns with groups; plus other regex issues [minor breaking change]
  • [GROOVY-2380] - groovysh not working with JVM 1.4.2_06-b03
  • [GROOVY-2432] - Setting unscoped log level to ALL can cause infiinte loop and stack overflow
  • [GROOVY-2483] - groovy.bat can not set system property
  • [GROOVY-2491] - Concurrency performance changes break closure method resolution in Grails
  • [GROOVY-2523] - compiler complains for loop has empty body
  • [GROOVY-2532] - Building GroovyDoc Runs Out of Heap Space
  • [GROOVY-2533] - Arithmetic with negative literals doesn't work as expected
  • [GROOVY-2542] - Missing hyphen in XML declaration encoding created by StreamingMarkupBuilder
  • [GROOVY-2548] - -cp include in bash script startGroovy do not include all needed jars
  • [GROOVY-2555] - Calling abstract super method causes stack overflow instead of compiler error
  • [GROOVY-2564] - startGroovy error with solaris
  • [GROOVY-2567] - Antbuilder/Groovy ant task that uses forking java task causes StackOverflow in ANT script
  • [GROOVY-2569] - the equals operator(==) error
  • [GROOVY-2573] - ConfigSlurper does not process property files with nested properties correctly
  • [GROOVY-2575] - getLineNumber()/getColumnNumber() on PropertyExpression always returns -1
  • [GROOVY-2585] - Can not insert nulls into the table using Sql.execute
  • [GROOVY-2586] - scrollPane() should not allow multiple components as children
  • [GROOVY-2591] - Groovy Ant Task is not executing Groovy Test Cases as the Command Line does
  • [GROOVY-2592] - XmlNodePrinter doesn't escape special characters in attributes
  • [GROOVY-2603] - ['a'] as LinkedHashSet throws GroovyCastException
  • [GROOVY-2604] - Annotations on a local variable crash GroovyC
  • [GROOVY-2606] - Error processing uncompiled classes
  • [GROOVY-2617] - Unable to use spread operator with maps
  • [GROOVY-2618] - GroovyConsole's Executing Window doesn't disappear after script finishes nor if user clicks on Interrupt button
  • [GROOVY-2619] - for ( ; ite.hasNext() ; ) does not compile
  • [GROOVY-2620] - Process.consumeProcessXXX methods do not handle newline properly.
  • [GROOVY-2622] - Calling a vararg method from a closure throws an exception
  • [GROOVY-2628] - Command line option for classpath (--cp/--classpath) is broken on Windows
  • [GROOVY-2634] - Using Java Generics
  • [GROOVY-2637] - Enums error
  • [GROOVY-2643] - Delegate property is ignored by closure
  • [GROOVY-2644] - startGroovy.bat appends CLASSPATH to jvm's startup classpath
  • [GROOVY-2646] - changed behaviour of isImplicitThis() in MethodCallExpression
  • [GROOVY-2654] - Joint compilation Groovy class stubs missing exception information
  • [GROOVY-2658] - Overloaded methods mismatched arguments
  • [GROOVY-2666] - Different exception behavior in groovy 1.6 (original exception is wrapped)
  • [GROOVY-2670] - -cp and -clasaspath don't work for Groovy.bat in Vista
  • [GROOVY-2672] - groovysh catch an exception on the multibyte environment.
  • [GROOVY-2678] - Installation of Groovy in a Path the contains spaces doesn't work (eg "Program Files")
  • [GROOVY-2685] - CLIBuilder regression since 1.5.1
  • [GROOVY-2689] - Strange coersion bug in Groovy shell
  • [GROOVY-2690] - groovy.bat faile to start script that are in a folder with a dash follow with "s"
  • [GROOVY-2691] - Annotations are not working
  • [GROOVY-2693] - Generics and joint compilation: method types are not fully respected
  • [GROOVY-2694] - CachedClass.CachedMethodComparatorWithString doesn't work on non Sun JDK
  • [GROOVY-2695] - Problem in Groovy MOP causing stack overflows in Grails
  • [GROOVY-2697] - line/column information for parenthesised expression
  • [GROOVY-2699] - GDK links are wrong
  • [GROOVY-2700] - Joint compiler incorrectly assumes that subclass is a Java class
  • [GROOVY-2706] - Unable to use increment operator on static variables prefixed by class name
  • [GROOVY-2712] - SwingBuilder cannot bind to the 'value' property of a scrollBar
  • [GROOVY-2714] - multiline string with """ or ''' error causes problem in groovysh
  • [GROOVY-2718] - CLONE -JAVA_HOME with Backslash at end results in Error JAVA_HOME not set
  • [GROOVY-2719] - wrong method override is chosen
  • [GROOVY-2723] - XStream cannot loadXML from GroovyScriptEngine created classes
  • [GROOVY-2725] - Semicolon required for certain generics declarations
  • [GROOVY-2726] - Missing 2 else's in InvokerHelper.setAttribute()
  • [GROOVY-2739] - Compilation error: BUG! exception in phase 'semantic analysis' in source unit
  • [GROOVY-2742] - Behavior of Closure in GString needs to be documented
  • [GROOVY-2743] - Fail to compile when there is a method return List<int[]>
  • [GROOVY-2745] - the gsp template can not support unicode(utf-8)
  • [GROOVY-2747] - Joint Compilation fails on the command line
  • [GROOVY-2749] - eachLine and splitEachLine work without encoding
  • [GROOVY-2755] - The runtime must instantiate or avoid the nulled MetaClass
  • [GROOVY-2766] - methodMissing is invoked twice
  • [GROOVY-2774] - Java final fields may be changed by Groovy
  • [GROOVY-2776] - "println" in new console window prints in the oldest one
  • [GROOVY-2794] - Groovy 1.5.6 Windows startGroovy.bat fails to pass CLASSPATH to groovy starter
  • [GROOVY-2798] - startGroovy error in 1.5.6 using Cygwin
  • [GROOVY-2800] - wrong use of generics in stub compiler


  • [GROOVY-1074] - Better exception reporting with line number
  • [GROOVY-1132] - match vs match[] handling inconsistent for eachMatch vs. =~
  • [GROOVY-1348] - Patch to provide acess to Script Object in GroovyScriptEngine
  • [GROOVY-1934] - \u0000 produces MultipleCompilationErrorsException, unexpected char
  • [GROOVY-2560] - sum, min and friends should work on the same types that collect, each and their friends work on.
  • [GROOVY-2598] - eachLine should support a 2 arg closure with index being second arg
  • [GROOVY-2615] - Patches for line / colum information for various AST Nodes
  • [GROOVY-2679] - Allow to omit square brackets in annotations when list has just one element (similar to Java)
  • [GROOVY-2721] - index-all page for Groovy JDK DocGenerator
  • [GROOVY-2735] - Allow to set ClassLoader explicitly for ProxyGenerator class
  • [GROOVY-2744] - It would be useful to have a way to flip posix behavior on/off for CliBuilder without exposing specific Commons CLI classes
  • [GROOVY-2748] - line/column information patch for several nodes
  • [GROOVY-2764] - Plus on Collection tries to keep similar type of original collection but not for LinkedList
  • [GROOVY-2765] - Intersect on Collection should try to keep similar type of original collection (like plus)
  • [GROOVY-2767] - Preserve line/column information for user-defined occurrences of variables this,super and literals null,true,false
  • [GROOVY-2770] - encoding specific versions of newWriter and withWriter wrap the created OutputStreamWriter in a BufferedWriter which hides encoding
  • [GROOVY-2772] - Add missing 'items' attribute for list
  • [GROOVY-2799] - add a way to override the commandline conf in GroovyStarter

New Feature

  • [GROOVY-1884] - GEP: Adding Bound Properties to GroovyBeans
  • [GROOVY-2593] - DataSet's should allowing sorting
  • [GROOVY-2594] - Allow factories to intercept and handle child closures
  • [GROOVY-2791] - Please add a loadFile method to groovy.ui.Console for ease of use.


  • [GROOVY-2595] - in SwingBuilder, action() node should accept child closure as action closure


  • [GROOVY-1053] - Replace use of with jMock


  • [GROOVY-259] - unit test case to ensure that we always set line number information on all AST nodes