Changelog for Groovy 1.7.0-rc-1


  • [GROOVY-2212] - Cannot load the class method after updated, failed after 1.1
  • [GROOVY-2696] - Joint compiler does not honour JavaBean spec for boolean properties
  • [GROOVY-2897] - Accessors for boolean properties are not generated properly
  • [GROOVY-3318] - Javac doesn't see synthetic Groovy methods in Groovy-compiled superclass
  • [GROOVY-3532] - GroovyConsole AST Viewer fails when trying to display AST for inner classes and anonymous inner classes
  • [GROOVY-3545] - GroovyConsole AST Viewer does find AstBrowserProperties.groovy, so nodes have bad node names
  • [GROOVY-3645] - Running invalid Groovy program produces IncompatibleClassChangeError
  • [GROOVY-3702] - Groovlet: depending groovy files are not recompiled
  • [GROOVY-3715] - Unnecessary mandatory dependencies in groovy-all POM
  • [GROOVY-3807] - Sql.expand not working in Sql.eachRow(GString sql, Closure metaClosure, Closure rowClosure)
  • [GROOVY-3808] - Sql.Dataset: No logging implemented
  • [GROOVY-3809] - Sql.Dataset: Values are converted to string causing errors when inserting dates
  • [GROOVY-3827] - One compile error reported twice
  • [GROOVY-3830] - java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError thrown with Interface containing variable
  • [GROOVY-3831] - Expecting to find object/array on stack
  • [GROOVY-3833] - AST Browser doesn't use same classloader as groovyConsole. loaded JARs aren't found in AST Browser
  • [GROOVY-3834] - methodMissing is called twice instead of once
  • [GROOVY-3843] - API doc of groovy.servlet.TemplateServlet, Logging and extra-output option '' is ''.
  • [GROOVY-3844] - ASTBrowser does not show the free-standing methods of script as it shows the statements
  • [GROOVY-3847] - Weird compiler error when using assert incorrectly
  • [GROOVY-3850] - groovyc should not generate method stub if method name is invalid in Java
  • [GROOVY-3851] - @Grapes does not work (at least not in Groovy Console)
  • [GROOVY-3852] - groovyc allows multiple annotations of the same type on the same element
  • [GROOVY-3853] - Changes to @Grab parameters not detected in Groovy Console
  • [GROOVY-3857] - Newline in interfaces declaration with generics is not fully supported.
  • [GROOVY-3861] - AST transforms of spock do not take effect when the library is loaded using @Grab
  • [GROOVY-3863] - this.class fails in static methods that return void
  • [GROOVY-3865] - GroovyConsole not correctly remembering fullStackTraces flag
  • [GROOVY-3868] - "as" and "asType()" produce different results when converting Strings to primitive types
  • [GROOVY-3873] - adding methods to metaclass of interface not working
  • [GROOVY-3874] - Improve the caching logic in GroovyClassLoader
  • [GROOVY-3875] - CurriedClosure does not clone the parent closure
  • [GROOVY-3876] - as Integer doesn't work with GStringImpl
  • [GROOVY-3877] - problem trying to extend an abstract groovy class with a java class
  • [GROOVY-3878] - Can't call Java varargs method when it's mixed in to toplevel
  • [GROOVY-3882] - "final" not working as expected
  • [GROOVY-3886] - no sutb generation for inner classes
  • [GROOVY-3888] - GroovyServlets does not find groovlets in web application core under tomcat6
  • [GROOVY-3893] - NPE in GroovyScriptEngine.getResourceConnection(String)
  • [GROOVY-3894] - NumberFormatException if value is too big
  • [GROOVY-3895] - Joint compiler doesn't like classes that contain methods with primitive types for names
  • [GROOVY-3904] - groovyc hangs if a type is declared to extend itself


  • [GROOVY-3706] - Tiny improvement to groovy.sql.Sql eachRows()
  • [GROOVY-3765] - Add line numbers to source window of groovyConsole
  • [GROOVY-3778] - Round out eachRows() and rows() variants taking metaDataClosure.
  • [GROOVY-3838] - AST Browser should have more descriptive tree node labels for common node types
  • [GROOVY-3839] - AST Transforms: @GroovyASTTransformationClass annotation should allow parameters of type Class[] not just String[]
  • [GROOVY-3840] - AST Browser - EmptyStatement nodes do not render in AST Browser, visitEmptyStatement missing from GroovyCodeVisitor
  • [GROOVY-3842] - AST Browser - Browser should have option to show script, show class, or show both (performance improvement)
  • [GROOVY-3849] - Unix scripts should resolve links before trying to include startGroovy
  • [GROOVY-3856] - Add Reader support to GroovyShell and GroovyCodeSOurce
  • [GROOVY-3858] - Deprecate groovy.util.GroovyLog
  • [GROOVY-3859] - Deprecate groovy.ui.InteractiveShell
  • [GROOVY-3860] - Groovydoc throws NullPointerException when link tag missing packages attribute
  • [GROOVY-3862] - Add iteration to sql ResultSetMetaData so that it can be used more groovily
  • [GROOVY-3866] - GroovyConsole should have a setting which auto clears the output whenever the script is run
  • [GROOVY-3884] - InvokerHelper.getVersion() should also work on Google App Engine
  • [GROOVY-3890] - ObjectGraphBuilder: add a general purpose bean factory

New Feature

  • [GROOVY-3080] - implementation for inner classes in Groovy
  • [GROOVY-3452] - Spellchecking
  • [GROOVY-3671] - "grape resolve -ivy (... ... ...)+" could generate ivy dependencies
  • [GROOVY-3897] - Add new Grape Ivy resolvers at runtime


  • [GROOVY-69] - support inner classes (or at least nested classes)
  • [GROOVY-917] - Cannot instantiate Java inner class
  • [GROOVY-2065] - GroovyScriptEngine loadScriptByName have a poor performance in Network drives
  • [GROOVY-2197] - GroovyScriptEngine is not able to read from directory parameters
  • [GROOVY-2443] - Enum does not support instance (value) specific methods