Changelog for Groovy 2.0.1


  • [GROOVY-5208] - Incorrect line numbers in code using optimized primitive operations
  • [GROOVY-5466] - Invalid code crashes the compiler
  • [GROOVY-5508] - Verifier fails to check property types with covariant override
  • [GROOVY-5543] - Grab a Module Extension fails to match Map objects
  • [GROOVY-5556] - GAPI on codehaus doesn't appear to have subproject groovydoc (check gradle build dist target)
  • [GROOVY-5557] - @Slf4j throws error in Groovy 2.0
  • [GROOVY-5559] - Type checker should treat gstrings as strings for generic collections
  • [GROOVY-5562] - GroovyFX - Class Cast Exception on BigDecimal to double when using Groovy 2.0 Indy="true"
  • [GROOVY-5564] - @CompileStatic(SKIP) throws an error
  • [GROOVY-5565] - NPE when using TypeChecking and AIC with field
  • [GROOVY-5566] - possible bug when applying static typing to AIC referencing an outer local variable
  • [GROOVY-5567] - Types not inferred correctly for static fields
  • [GROOVY-5568] - DGM properties not available in interfaces?
  • [GROOVY-5569] - Can't call method with concrete map implementation and generic arguments
  • [GROOVY-5570] - CompileStatic gives VerifyError: Register 1 contains wrong type
  • [GROOVY-5571] - Missing or wrong osgi headers since 2.0-rc1
  • [GROOVY-5572] - Invalid behaviour of ?: operator within an 'if' statement in closure
  • [GROOVY-5573] - Type checker incorrectly selecting DGM return type instead of actual return type
  • [GROOVY-5574] - Log4j annotation causes class generation BUG!
  • [GROOVY-5578] - Cannot use default map constructor with Java classes and type checking
  • [GROOVY-5579] - Static compiler sometimes use setProperty where it could make direct access
  • [GROOVY-5580] - @CompileStatic doesn't support interfaces extending other interfaces
  • [GROOVY-5581] - Compilation order important to CompileStatic
  • [GROOVY-5583] - Parsing problem of number literal 0x8000000000000000L
  • [GROOVY-5584] - @CompileStatic fails to compile Map.each { key, value -> } form
  • [GROOVY-5585] - not recognized by type checker if property is of Object
  • [GROOVY-5586] - @Canonical class causes compile-time NPE under @StaticCompilation
  • [GROOVY-5587] - Map.Entry<K,V>#key and #value fail to infer type correctly under @StaticCompile
  • [GROOVY-5588] - Multidimensional Arrays: Incompatible argument to function
  • [GROOVY-5589] - Type checker doesn't allow property notation as LHS when only a setter exists
  • [GROOVY-5591] - groovy-all-2.0.0-sources.jar is missing lots of source files
  • [GROOVY-5592] - No recent snapshot for 2.0.1 available from
  • [GROOVY-5593] - groovy-all-2.0.0 does not work with JDK 1.5
  • [GROOVY-5594] - Type checker doesn't infer property type if coming from a generified getter
  • [GROOVY-5595] - Type checker doesn't fully infer Map.Entry type
  • [GROOVY-5598] - Cannot use @CompileStatic with Thread.start method
  • [GROOVY-5601] - static type checker NPE when instantiating generic interface (with and without diamond)
  • [GROOVY-5605] - Class Cast Exception when using Groovy 2.0 Indy="true" and using an integer with a double.
  • [GROOVY-5606] - Problem with CompileStatic
  • [GROOVY-5607] - @Compile static Sql.newInstance
  • [GROOVY-5608] - @CompileStatic casting problem
  • [GROOVY-5611] - Annotating a method with @CompileStatic when the class is already annotated leads to errors
  • [GROOVY-5612] - Fix "gradle idea" task
  • [GROOVY-5613] - @CompileStatic - Caught: java.lang.VerifyError - Inconsistent stack height 1 != 2
  • [GROOVY-5614] - Diamond Inference broken with Static Compilation
  • [GROOVY-5615] - var.getProperties() cannot be invoked as when using @CompileStatic
  • [GROOVY-5616] - Compile static failing to allow cast of groovy type to GroovyObject
  • [GROOVY-5617] - strange behavior with lists involving generics
  • [GROOVY-5618] - Type checker throws No such property: value for class: java.lang.Object
  • [GROOVY-5619] - Static compiler calls setter even with attribute notation
  • [GROOVY-5620] - Spread-safe operator unsupported on LHS of assignments
  • [GROOVY-5622] - Cannot loop using foreach or "for in" in @TypeChecked code
  • [GROOVY-5623] - collection's "each" fails if compiled with @CompileStatic


  • [GROOVY-5561] - When using @CompileStatic you cannot access class properties in some circumstances
  • [GROOVY-5577] - Augmenting the new AST node types introduced by compile static
  • [GROOVY-5597] - Add a label lookup feature to @ASTTest
  • [GROOVY-5599] - Assignments to null of variables with generics lead to cryptic errors

New Feature

  • [GROOVY-5542] - Support Mac OS X Lion full screen capability