Changelog for Groovy 2.0.2


  • [GROOVY-5125] - GroovyScriptEngine load from jarURL fail
  • [GROOVY-5321] - GroovyScriptEngine getResourceConnection treats resourceName argument as URI path spec
  • [GROOVY-5322] - MinimumRecompilationInterval is not used as an interval in GroovyScriptEngine
  • [GROOVY-5394] - Grape's Grab ignores 'ext' when classifier is not set
  • [GROOVY-5590] - Caused by: org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerInvocationException: Cannot run program "find": error=24, Too many open files
  • [GROOVY-5627] - Problems with categories when using invoke dynamic
  • [GROOVY-5633] - indy transformation for receiver missing
  • [GROOVY-5635] - SyntaxException.getEndColumn() returns "getStartColumn() + 1"
  • [GROOVY-5636] - java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: size==0
  • [GROOVY-5638] - static compiler fails with bug massage for method call in loop increment
  • [GROOVY-5639] - Spurious "Closure shared variable has been assigned with various type" exception
  • [GROOVY-5640] - static type checking fails in for-each loops
  • [GROOVY-5641] - for variable omitted type makes Caught: BUG! exception in phase 'class generation'
  • [GROOVY-5642] - TypeChecked/CompileStatic says ambiguous about calling PrintWriter.write(byte[],int,int)
  • [GROOVY-5643] - array length is not correct with CompileStatic'd code.
  • [GROOVY-5644] - UFO Operator(<=>) errors with CompileStatic and TypeChecked
  • [GROOVY-5645] - CompileStatic cause inconsistent compilation error when varargs super method called (reference to method is ambiguous)
  • [GROOVY-5647] - SKIP is not honored when an inner class is defined in a SKIP method
  • [GROOVY-5649] - Stack overflow when property accessor is annoated with @CompileStatic
  • [GROOVY-5650] - Groovy 2.0.1: Regression in generic type inference
  • [GROOVY-5653] - STC: non ambiguous method call reported ambiguous
  • [GROOVY-5654] - SC: Problem accessing a Map string key with property notation
  • [GROOVY-5655] - SC: byte[] and Byte[] typecasting issue
  • [GROOVY-5656] - STC: non ambiguous constructor reference when subclass is used
  • [GROOVY-5657] - SC: Unable to pop operand off an empty stack with default/optional paramaters
  • [GROOVY-5658] - SC: issue with optional parameters generating an NPE
  • [GROOVY-5659] - VerifyError when CompileStatic with Increment Array Element
  • [GROOVY-5660] - JsonOutput Date formatting is not threadsafe
  • [GROOVY-5662] - java.lang.VerifyError when accessing array passed to method
  • [GROOVY-5664] - OSGi bundle hangs in "starting" state
  • [GROOVY-5666] - Incorrectly finding "where" in query string
  • [GROOVY-5668] - Input stream not closed
  • [GROOVY-5669] - DOMCategory should provide name() convenience method for Node's not just Element's
  • [GROOVY-5671] - Static compilation of calling increment operator on Integer fails
  • [GROOVY-5672] - groovyc produces AIOOBE if @TypeChecked used with @CompileStatic in certain circumstances
  • [GROOVY-5678] - (primopts) increment on array not done as primopt
  • [GROOVY-5679] - Enclosing method is not set for anonymous inner classes
  • [GROOVY-5681] - Anonynous inner class as default argument value throws IOOBE
  • [GROOVY-5683] - Accessing length of an array of arrays occurs VerifyError
  • [GROOVY-5687] - Constants defined in an interface not visible to implementing subclass in a static context
  • [GROOVY-5688] - NullPointerException in StaticTypeCheckingVisitor
  • [GROOVY-5689] - ClassCastException Double->Float with -= += operators and closures
  • [GROOVY-5690] - Compiler exception while applying to @CompileStatic and subclasses
  • [GROOVY-5691] - TimeoutException immediately thrown when using both TimedInterrupt and with {} closure on a Map
  • [GROOVY-5692] - TypeChecked not checking generics placeholder types across arguments when a method has multiple arguments


  • [GROOVY-5646] - Allow customization of @Singleton's instance getter name
  • [GROOVY-5680] - collectMany should have a map variant
  • [GROOVY-5696] - Upgrade to GPars 1.0-beta-3

New Feature

  • [GROOVY-5682] - Add clone or copy constructor to XML Node