Changelog for Groovy 2.0.6
- [GROOVY-3153] - groovy, groovysh, groovyconsole, etc Cannot use spaces in supplied classpath -cp
- [GROOVY-3914] - Bootloader bug with DOMBuilder: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: loader previously initiated loading for a different type with name "org/w3c/dom/NodeList"
- [GROOVY-4373] - Groovlet generated error "The requested resource () is not available."
- [GROOVY-4615] - BUG! exception in phase 'conversion' in source unit with NumberFormatException
- [GROOVY-4627] - Binding support for group attribute
- [GROOVY-4637] - XmlSlurper Unable to Access Attributes with Same Name but in Different Namespaces
- [GROOVY-4648] - Pasting into groovy console using shift+insert turns overwrite mode on.
- [GROOVY-4820] - Problems using Groovlet / GSP from embedded Jetty
- [GROOVY-4950] - ConfigSlurper broken on AppEngine
- [GROOVY-5187] - Groovy Script Engine creates new classes for each script and doesn't get garbage collected
- [GROOVY-5189] - Character XOR behaves differently depending on JVM
- [GROOVY-5191] - Running script with '--enoding' param and some script parameters
- [GROOVY-5289] - Using GroovyServlet deployed to Tomcat with a multi-level context causes 404 errors
- [GROOVY-5433] - Node is missing documentation
- [GROOVY-5468] - Documentation error for ExpandoMetaClass
- [GROOVY-5695] - jarsigner fails because two duplicate objects exists in groovy-2.0.1.jar
- [GROOVY-5712] - @TypeChecked and "Charset ISO_8859_1_CHARSET = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1")": Cannot assign value of type java.lang.Class to variable of type java.nio.charset.Charset
- [GROOVY-5720] - Static Typechecking of Comparison Operations (e. g. '<') Not Strict Enough
- [GROOVY-5721] - Groovyc assumes wrong return type when concrete class derived from generic
- [GROOVY-5724] - @TypeChecked and JUnit Test using assertThat(myTestResult, notNullValue()
- [GROOVY-5725] - Groovy classes with @CompileStatic cannot use constants declared on an interface
- [GROOVY-5734] - Ternary operator returning null fails with static type checking
- [GROOVY-5735] - Static type checking error when calling a method with generics that receives a Class<T> and a T object, and the instantiation of T is a parametric type
- [GROOVY-5743] - Typed closure as a default parameter requires cast when method is TypeChecked
- [GROOVY-5747] - First call to Groovlet succeeds but subsequent calls return 404
- [GROOVY-5748] - glitch with TypeChecked and generics
- [GROOVY-5751] - Adding milliseconds with TimeCategory gives incorrect toString
- [GROOVY-5753] - Regression: @TypeChecked fails on ternary expression
- [GROOVY-5758] - @CompileStatic complains about ArrayList not being a String, but doesn't so about HashSet. Seems inconsistent.
- [GROOVY-5766] - Changes in groovy.json.JsonOutput require extensive permissions that aren't compatible with some web frameworks.
- [GROOVY-5779] - Static type checking - recognized as int
- [GROOVY-5780] - CompileStatic - Calling vargarg parameter GString is converted to array of strings
- [GROOVY-5786] - methods defined by one eval are 'lost' over time
- [GROOVY-5787] - Indexing map with wrong type inside closure fails with @CompileStatic
- [GROOVY-5789] - @CompileStatic changes scope of for loop variable
- [GROOVY-5791] - Increment operators with @CompileStatic
- [GROOVY-5792] - XmlNodePrinter uses quote variables for more than just attributes
- [GROOVY-5793] - Compilation error with method receiving a java.lang.Byte
- [GROOVY-5797] - CompileStatic BUG with indexing map of maps
- [GROOVY-5798] - CompileStatic cannot cast int to char
- [GROOVY-5799] - Compile static forces 'as' when trying to make array of nulls
- [GROOVY-5800] - Can't get 'in' to work under static compilation
- [GROOVY-5803] - wasted work in "ClassNode.addMixin"
- [GROOVY-5804] - VerifyError when @CompileStatic and negate boolean with !
- [GROOVY-5806] - Groovy 2.0.5 breaks GMock when EMC is used
- [GROOVY-5809] - .groovy files on the classpath don't work if the absolute path contains non-latin characters
- [GROOVY-5810] - Calling static method from subclass using super creates StackOverFlow
- [GROOVY-5814] - Problem with Immutable and CompileStatic
- [GROOVY-5818] - MapStyleConstructorCall breaks Groovy-Eclipse
- [GROOVY-5820] - [SwingBuilder] ListFactory does not use custom JList instance if items: is specified
- [GROOVY-5823] - wasted work in "GenericsType.GenericsTypeMatcher.compareGenericsWithBound"
- [GROOVY-5824] - wasted work in "ClassCompletionVerifier.checkOverloadingPrivateAndPublic"
- [GROOVY-5825] - wasted work in "ClassCompletionVerifier.addErrorIfParamsAndReturnTypeEqual"
- [GROOVY-5826] - wasted work in "DomToGroovy.mixedContent"
- [GROOVY-5827] - wasted work in "StaticTypeCheckingVisitor.areCategoryMethodCalls"
- [GROOVY-5828] - No way to tell @Immutable that you're using an Immutable List structure already
- [GROOVY-5829] - wasted work in "AnnotationVisitor.checkIfValidEnumConstsAreUsed"
- [GROOVY-5830] - wasted work in "SecurityTestSupport.executeTest"
- [GROOVY-5831] - wasted work in "GroovyDocToolTest.testPlainGroovyDocTool"
- [GROOVY-5834] - @StaticCompile fails for regex literals
- [GROOVY-5835] - Few @CompileStatic bugs
- [GROOVY-5836] - @CompileStatic can not resolve function
- [GROOVY-5837] - Griffon bind using parentheses fails silently or with cryptic message
- [GROOVY-5838] - groovydoc not working (ClassNotFoundException)
- [GROOVY-5843] - CompileStatic can't cast int to char
- [GROOVY-5844] - Copy/paste error in EmptyBorderFactory
- [GROOVY-5846] - stackoverflow with compilestatic
- [GROOVY-5849] - wasted work in "ClassCompletionVerifier.checkMethodForWeakerAccessPrivileges"
- [GROOVY-5851] - wasted work in "SimpleGroovyClassDocAssembler.extractName"
- [GROOVY-5853] - wasted work in "DefaultGrailsDomainClassInjector.implementsMethod"
- [GROOVY-5854] - wasted work in the "ClassNode" constructor
- [GROOVY-5856] - Annotation causes @CompileStatic to fail
- [GROOVY-5914] - @InheritConstructors fails when super class has raw constructor parameters
- [GROOVY-5509] - Add base script option to groovyc and its ant task
- [GROOVY-5626] - Remove buildSrc's target and .gradle directories from the source distribution
- [GROOVY-5845] - Add an includePackage attribute for the ToString AST transform
- [GROOVY-5862] - Pretty toString() for AnnotationConstantExpression