Changelog for Groovy 2.2.0-rc-1


  • [GROOVY-3302] - Some tests are CPU load dependent
  • [GROOVY-4065] - groovyc not compiling correctly when Grape.grab is used
  • [GROOVY-4661] - List#getAt(Range) method doesn't work with half-exclusive ranges
  • [GROOVY-4665] - incorrect behavior of array subscript operator with reverse ranges
  • [GROOVY-4911] - nonintuitive behaviour on getting sublist with range
  • [GROOVY-5440] - using dataset queries not supported in groovyConsole
  • [GROOVY-6194] - Exclusive range operation results in wrong result with negative index *
  • [GROOVY-6345] - upTo()/downTo() exception messages for illegal arguments should not leak implementation details *
  • [GROOVY-6350] - adding two empty lists fails with NPE
  • [GROOVY-6365] - Closure taking Object[] in @CompileStatic class gets actual parameters wrapped in additional Object[]
  • [GROOVY-6372] - @Immutable fails to recognize non immutable classes
  • [GROOVY-6375] - DateGroovyMethods#updated should be renamed to DateGroovyMethods#copyWith
  • [GROOVY-6379] - Wrong example in the api of class Map(dropWhile)
  • [GROOVY-6384] - Change all calls to Class.forName to direct dispatch so that differences around classloading between Groovy and Java are resolved


  • [GROOVY-3772] - Automatic indentation in groovy.util.IndentPrinter
  • [GROOVY-3969] - Groovy Console forgets size of input area
  • [GROOVY-6346] - allow package keyword to appear in select places
  • [GROOVY-6348] - Grab should provide a way to expose disabling checksums
  • [GROOVY-6364] - More efficient implementation of thread safety in class ClassLoaderForClassArtifacts
  • [GROOVY-6371] - Documentation for connection parameters in URL.getText() (and related methods) is lacking
  • [GROOVY-6382] - Bintray JCenter added as a first remote resolver in the default Ivy chain

New Feature

  • [GROOVY-6259] - Allow to define the logger category name for the @Log annotations *
  • [GROOVY-6338] - Add @Log4j2 Annotation
  • [GROOVY-6354] - Allow addCopyWith for @Immutable annotation
  • [GROOVY-6376] - Add @BaseScript AST transformation

* potentially breaking change (read issue for details - even minor differences are sometimes flagged as potentially breaking changes)