Changelog for Groovy 2.3.1
- [GROOVY-3937] - DocGenerator cross links use absolute gapi/api URLs instead of relative
- [GROOVY-5981] - @TypedChecked error when using generics
- [GROOVY-5998] - Using subscript operator on properties with a Builder and @DelegatesTo doesn't work
- [GROOVY-6126] - CompileStatic: dispatch doesn't choose correct method when parameterized generic types are used
- [GROOVY-6276] - Outer class method call failure with @CompileStatic
- [GROOVY-6343] - @CompileStatic: can't access static field from nested closures
- [GROOVY-6358] - @CompileStatic doesn't determine correct type for return from generic static method
- [GROOVY-6420] - A stored procedure call ( fails, when any of the result-sets are NOT used in closure (param 3).
- [GROOVY-6616] - @CompileStatic Reference to constructor is ambiguous
- [GROOVY-6679] - java.util.Locale gives on App Engine
- [GROOVY-6693] - Compiler fails to infer type if given a concrete type instead of a generified interface
- [GROOVY-6707] - Groovy 2.3.0-beta-2 generic type checking incorrect
- [GROOVY-6728] - CLONE - generation of groovy-jdk index entries in index-all.html needs further refactoring
- [GROOVY-6730] - TypeChecked : Cannot use diamond <> with anonymous inner classes
- [GROOVY-6731] - Static type checking - Cannot find matching method
- [GROOVY-6736] - Error adding a trait to a Map
- [GROOVY-6743] - ImportCommand Regex Too Restrictive
- [GROOVY-6746] - Groovy class files miss the "EnclosingMethod" attribute
- [GROOVY-6748] - Type checking when extracting value of generic type does not wok
- [GROOVY-6750] - java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: MyClass and MyClass$MyInnerClass disagree on InnerClasses attribute with indy
- [GROOVY-6751] - Error in @TypeChecked when method in both Interface and Superclass
- [GROOVY-6755] - Bad type resolution causing bad classes and TypeNotPresentExceptions with joint compilation, deep generics and star imports
- [GROOVY-6756] - Groovyc task should log build errors at error level, consistent with javac and allowing use of ant -q
- [GROOVY-6760] - Static compiler fails to infer generic type
- [GROOVY-6761] - Static compiler doesn't respect contravariant type tokens
- [GROOVY-6762] - Groovy won't run in OSGI Java 7 environment
- [GROOVY-6768] - Unable to resolve resources from grapes through ClassLoader
- [GROOVY-6770] - The method NioGroovyMethods#write does not truncate the content of a file
- [GROOVY-6771] - Grapes broken in 2.3
- [GROOVY-6776] - VerifierError in Groovy 2.3, doesn't happen in Groovy 2.2
- [GROOVY-6779] - Groovysh ":purge all" and ":show all" commands fail
- [GROOVY-6782] - BUG! exception in phase 'class generation'
- [GROOVY-6786] - 2.3.0 CompileStatic regressions
- [GROOVY-6789] - Fix potential DoS attack with JSON parser
- [GROOVY-6790] - Starting groovysh with groovysh.rc fails
- [GROOVY-6793] - Module descriptors should be read in UTF-8
- [GROOVY-6794] - Access forbidden can be triggered in MarkupTemplateEngine
- [GROOVY-6795] - MarkupTemplateEngine won't cache templates
- [GROOVY-6797] - MarkupTemplateEngine should allow custom template resolvers
- [GROOVY-6801] - The AntlrParserPlugin format hook (-Dantlr.ast=format) is corrupted by jarjar
- [GROOVY-5983] - No package link on groovy-jdk
- [GROOVY-6551] - Groovy Sql API should support stored procedures that return multiple result sets
- [GROOVY-6571] - groovy.sql.Sql.eachRow should set maxRows on the JDBC Statement
- [GROOVY-6643] - groovy-jdk pages should show "inherited" methods
- [GROOVY-6712] - Make GroovyDoc aware of Traits
- [GROOVY-6749] - DocGenerator could provide an inherited methods list as per normal javadoc or groovydoc
- [GROOVY-6788] - Support fragments/template composition in MarkupTemplateEngine