Changelog for Groovy 3.0.0-beta-2


  • [GROOVY-9054] - @groovy.transform.builder.Builder should generate @Generated annotations for build(), builder() and setter methods
  • [GROOVY-9115] - General error during class generation
  • [GROOVY-9121] - Default compiler configuration is modified by GroovyMain
  • [GROOVY-9123] - "java.nio.file.Path.setText" does not work with CompileStatic on Groovy 2.5.7
  • [GROOVY-9127] - Cannot set protected field from subclass
  • [GROOVY-9136] - Compile error when accessing a public field inside a closure
  • [GROOVY-9141] - NPE: Groovy compiler error: exception in phase 'conversion' in source unit
  • [GROOVY-9147] - Using 'File.text = ' cause FileNotFoundException in Groovy 2.5.7 with @CompileStatic
  • [GROOVY-9151] - Default Arguments: reference to another defaulted parameter causes run-time errors
  • [GROOVY-9153] - StaticInvocationWriter modifies shared global node ConstantExpression.NULL
  • [GROOVY-9156] - The metaDataMap table of values should scale with the outer frame
  • [GROOVY-9161] - Sortable AST transform replaces custom compareTo method
  • [GROOVY-9162] - AutoClone AST transform replaces custom clone method
  • [GROOVY-9163] - AutoExternalize AST transform replaces custom read/write method
  • [GROOVY-9170] - The method clone should be public as it implements the corresponding method from interface java.lang.Object
  • [GROOVY-9176] - Syntactic sugar for set method calls in conflict with class member declarations
  • [GROOVY-9184] - CLONE - Use of an inner enum causes compilation to go into infinite loop - antlr2 fix
  • [GROOVY-9191] - Cannot compile generic method without public keyword
  • [GROOVY-9499] - VerifyError when AIC used as argument to special constructor call

Dependency upgrade


  • [GROOVY-9103] - CLONE - CLONE - Fix warning "An illegal reflective access operation has occurred"
  • [GROOVY-9112] - Clean bad smell in `GroovyClassLoader` *
  • [GROOVY-9122] - code smell in ProcessingUnit *
  • [GROOVY-9131] - Extension method support for native method references
  • [GROOVY-9133] - Groovy Console could support an AutoRun feature
  • [GROOVY-9135] - Additional support for @Testable annotation in JUnit5Runner
  • [GROOVY-9140] - Class.&instanceMethod with incorrect first param
  • [GROOVY-9165] - Grape cannot pull in picocli *
  • [GROOVY-9169] - Groovy could support andThen/compose aliases for rightShift/leftShift
  • [GROOVY-9175] - Open SecureASTCustomizer for extension
  • [GROOVY-9177] - Support JDK14

New Feature



* potentially breaking change (read issue for details - even minor differences are sometimes flagged as potentially breaking changes)