Release notes for Groovy 2.1

With this new 2.1 release, Groovy:

  • has full support for the JDK 7 invoke dynamic instruction and API,

  • goes beyond conventional static type checking capabilities with a special annotation for closure delegate based Domain-Specific Languages and static type checker extensions,

  • provides additional compilation customization options,

  • and features a meta-annotation facility for combining annotations elegantly.

Full invoke dynamic support

With Groovy 2.0, we introduced support for JDK 7’s invoke dynamic bytecode instruction and API to benefit from the dedicated support and performance improvements for dynamic languages starting with JDK 7. Groovy 2.1 brings full support for invokedynamic (aka indy), completing the work introduced in 2.0. 

In Groovy 2.0, most method calls were using the invokedynamic instruction, but there have been exceptions: constructor calls or "spread calls" (where you pass arguments with the "spread operator"). Groovy 2.1 completes the implementation started in 2.0. Now, code compiled with the invokedynamic JAR on JDK 7 will not be using the old "call site caching" code which served us well for getting good performance for Groovy prior to JDK 7. If you are lucky enough to be using JDK 7 in production, be sure to use the Groovy 2.1 indy JAR to benefit from the full invokedynamic support. The indy version is bundled with the binary download package and can be obtained via Maven (all JARs with invokedynamic support are postfixed with -indy).

GPars 1.0

Groovy 2.1’s distribution bundles the recently released GPars 1.0, the one-stop shop for all your concurrency needs. This new version comes with various enhancements in the asynchronous functions, promises, parallel collections, actors, dataflow support, Google App Engine support, etc.

Be sure to check the release announcement and read the “what’s new section” of the GPars user guide. You can also have a look at the detailed JIRA release notes.

@DelegatesTo annotation

Authoring Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) has always been a sweet spot for Groovy, and the availability of closures and the malleable syntax of the language has allowed DSL implementors to build nice mini-languages like "builders", to represent configuration or hierarchical data.

Thanks to the various delegation strategies of the groovy.lang.Closure class, a range of very powerful techniques can be used when building DSLs. Due to different implementation techniques, inferring type information within the DSL has not been straightforward. This is especially an issue when DSLs should have proper IDE support (e.g. code completion).

The very popular and powerful Gradle build automation system uses its own DSL for build script specifications. On the DSL implementation layer are various methods taking closures as arguments, and with special delegation strategies delegating to some other parameter passed to them. Providing good IDE support for Groovy DSLs — like the one in Gradle — has presented a few challenges. Hence the need for the @DelegatesTo annotation.

Groovy 2.1 introduces the @groovy.lang.DelegatesTo annotation as a documentation mechanism for DSL users and maintainers, as an IDE hint for providing better coding assistance, and as additional information that can be taken into account by the static type checker and static compilation introduced in Groovy 2.0. Let’s see that in action with some examples.

A closure delegate based method usage might look like the following:

exec {

The exec() method takes a closure as parameter, and the actual launch() call inside that closure is delegated to some particular object (the closure delegate), instead of being dispatched to the enclosing class. The above code would only fail at runtime (not at compile-time!), as the launch() method can not be found in the closure context. In order to delegate method calls within the closure’s code block to another object instance, we need to set the closure delegate.

Setting a closure delegate is as easy as invoking Closure#setDelegate(Object)

void exec(Closure c) {
    c.delegate = new Executor()

The delegate can be set to an arbitrary object instance (here, an instance of an Executor class that has a launch() method). When the delegate is set accordingly, we can execute the closure code.

Note that usually, to avoid odd behavior if the closure is used in multiple threads, we tend to clone that closure.

The problem with delegate objects are IDEs not knowing about them. Given our example, most IDEs will underline the launch() method as being an unknown method in this context.

This is where @DelegatesTo comes into play. By adding the @DelegatesTo annotation to DSL methods like exec(Closure), IDEs get the actual delegate type and other meta-data.

A future update might let GroovyDoc show the details about the annotation usage to help users know what methods they can call, what properties they can access, etc.

Here’s what your exec() method will look like with the annotation:

void exec(@DelegatesTo(Executor) Closure c) {
    c.delegate = new Executor()

Besides specifying the actual delegate type, @DelegatesTo  can be used to hint at the actual resolve strategy. The resolve strategy determines the order in which non-closure method / property calls are looked up. In our example, Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST will be used. This indicates the closure will attempt to resolve against the given delegate object in first place, followed by the owner object:

import static groovy.lang.Closure.*
// ...
void exec(@DelegatesTo(strategy = DELEGATE_FIRST, value = Executor) Closure c) {
    c.delegate = new Executor()
    c.resolveStrategy = DELEGATE_FIRST

IDE support is not the only reason to use @DelegatesTo. The static type checker and static compiler take the additional meta-data specified by the @DelegatesTo annotation into account. If there is a typo in the closure code block, the type checker will complain. And if you use the static compilation capability introduced in Groovy 2.0, the calls will be compiled statically.

Let’s say we wouldn’t call launch() but launchr() in the closure code block, we would get a message like:

[Static type checking] - Cannot find matching method DelegatesToSamples#launchr().
Please check if the declared type is right and if the method exists.

Static type checks for custom Domain-Specific Languages is a very convenient feature in Groovy 2.1!

In addition, Groovy 2.1 features other abilities for even further type checking your DSLs, as you shall see in the following section.

Before moving on, let’s mention a few closing details about @DelegatesTo.

@DelegatesTo allows to specify the receiver calls are delegated to. For instance, when a delegate calls a method or property on another method parameter. Imagine our exec() method taking the Executor argument instance as delegate:

void exec(Executor ex, @DelegatesTo(Executor) Closure c) {
    c.delegate = ex

In this example, the information is lost that the call is delegated to the ex parameter. Thanks to the @DelegatesTo.Target annotation we can specify ex as target for being the delegate object:

void exec(@DelegatesTo.Target Executor ex, @DelegatesTo Closure c) {
    c.delegate = ex

What if we had several Executor parameters, how would we differentiate which one we’re targeting?

void exec(
    @DelegatesTo.Target('param1') Executor ex,
    @DelegatesTo(target = 'param1') Closure c) { ... }

The delegation "target" can be specified with an arbitrary id. In the example above it is param1.

One last very nice little feature: if you are using static type checking, you can omit the type of the parameter and @DelegatesTo combined with "flow typing" (the ability of following the current type of an untyped variable) would still know if method calls are valid:

void exec(@DelegatesTo.Target ex, @DelegatesTo Closure c) {
    c.delegate = ex

class Executor {
    void launch() {}

def ex = new Executor()

exec(ex) {

We’ve seen that the @DelegatesTo helps documenting, tooling, and checking Domain-Specific Languages in the specific context of closure delegate based methods, but we hinted at the fact we can go beyond, in terms of static type checking for your DSLs.

For more details take a look at the @DelegatesTo documentation.

Type checker extensions

Static type checking was introduced in Groovy 2.0, but Groovy 2.1 goes beyond built-in type checks and offers a way to create type checker extensions. This is great news for Groovy scripts, configuration files, or Domain-Specific Languages implementations as they can be "type checked" with more advanced, domain-specific rules. As an example, it would be possible to create a custom DSL type checker that throws compilation errors when certain verbs of the DSL are not recognized, or tells this other noun is allowed even if it’s a dynamic name bound at runtime, or type checks literal strings containing SQL code to see if the syntax is correct, and more.

Imagine a script, where we define a small robot class and instantiate it:

class Robot {
    void move(String dist) { println "Moved $dist" }

robot = new Robot()

And we want to operate our robot in the operate() method, but we want this method to be type checked:

void operate() {
    robot.move "left"


The static type checker will complain as it doesn’t understand where the robot variable is coming from, as it’s going through the binding of the script — note that we could teach the type checker to figure out binding-bound variables. It will throw an error telling us that the robot variable was undeclared.

But by utilizing type checker extensions, we can hook into the type checking process to teach it how to handle unresolved variables! In order to do that, we’ll specify an extension script through the newly introduced extensions annotation parameter of the @TypeChecked annotation:

@TypeChecked(extensions = 'RobotMove.groovy')
void operate() {
    robot.move "left"

Now it’s time to define the type checker extension script called RobotMove.groovy. The type checker extension script is written by applying a new DSL — the "type checking DSL". The DSL provides various hooks for type checker extensions to register to. Going back to the example above, we register for unresolved variables using the unresolvedVariable hook:

unresolvedVariable { VariableExpression var ->
    if ('robot' == {
        def robotClass = context.source.AST.classes.find { == 'Robot' }
        storeType(var, robotClass)
        handled = true

The type checker extension script needs to be on the classpath. If this is the case, the script gets notified during compile-time when the static type checker encounters an unresolved variable. The unresolved variable closure is handed over a VariableExpression.

The VariableExpression is an object directly from Groovy’s AST (Abstract Syntax Tree). It is a representation of the unresolved variable expression. The script checks if the variable is named robot, if this is the case, we look up a ClassNode representing the Robot class, and store the type of that variable back in the AST. At the end, the handled property is set to true, to indicate the type checker already managed that variable. As a consequence, you won’t get the compilation error about that undeclared variable.

To continue the journey, let’s consider the case where the user enters a wrong direction string. We could of course use an enum or some other class containing direction constants, but for the sake of the example, we’ll have a look at how we can teach the type checker to inspect strings and how you can actually throw your own compilation errors.

For that purpose, let’s say a robot can only move left, right, forward and backward. And now, let’s change our robot move instruction to:

robot.move "sideways"

The robot is not allowed to move sideways, so we should instruct the type checker to throw a compilation error if it encounters a direction the robot will not be able to understand. Here’s how we can achieve our goal, by adding a new event handler to our RobotMove.groovy script:

afterMethodCall { MethodCall mc ->
    def method = getTargetMethod(mc)
    if ( == 'robot' && == 'move') {
        def args = getArguments(mc)
        if (args && isConstantExpression(args[0]) && args[0].value instanceof String) {
            def content = args[0].text
            if (!(content in ['left', 'right', 'backward', 'forward'])) {
                addStaticTypeError("'${content}' is not a valid direction", args[0])

This handler receives a MethodCall expression. We are using the getTargetMethod() utility method to retrieve the corresponding MethodNode. We check that the method call is a call to our robot, and that the name of the method corresponds to themove method. Then, we fetch the arguments passed to that method call, and if we’re passed a direction in the form of a string constant, we are checking that the direction is an actual allowed direction. If this is not the case, we are adding a new static typing compilation error into the mix, so that the compiler will yell at the poor user because he used a direction which is forbidden and not understood by our robot.

This second example is also interesting in a way that it shows how you can even add compilation checks on things like literal strings on a domain-specific level, paving the way for possible checks on sprintf strings, on SQL or HQL code in strings, etc., allowing you to go even further that what the Java compiler actually checks.

The extension script can make use of various event oriented extension points and utility methods coming from the TypeCheckingExtension class from Groovy, such as:

  • unresolvedVariable

  • unresolvedProperty

  • unresolvedAttribute

  • methodNotFound

  • incompatibleAssignment

  • beforeVisitMethod

  • afterVisitMethod

  • beforeVisitClass

  • afterVisitClass

  • beforeMethodCall

  • afterMethodCall

  • onMethodSelection

  • setup

  • finish

The two examples are just the tip of the iceberg, but we will work out more complete documentation of the various extension points and utility methods going forward.

For more details take a look at the type checking extensions documentation.

Compile-time Meta-annotations

Annotations are a great way to add supplementary meta-data to classes, methods, fields, and other source code elements, thus frameworks, libraries, and even Groovy’s homegrown AST transformations can take advantage of them to do some special treatments to the corresponding AST nodes. Sometimes the use case arises to reuse a combination of annotations, potentially at the expense of a multitude of at-signs that obscure the general intent of that particular combination.

To group annotations together, to make the intent clearer or to streamline your code, Groovy 2.1 offers a meta-annotation system, which allows to combine other annotations into one "alias" annotation.

Imagine we are using some annotations defining constraints on properties of your class, like @NotNull, @Length, or @Pattern, which could be defined as follows:

@interface NotNull {}

@interface Length {
    int value() default 0

@interface Pattern {
    String value() default ".*"

An example of how to annotate an ISBN property with those annotations could look like this:

class Book {
    String isbn10

For a single property, that’s quite a bit of annotation overload! And it could be the case of other domain classes with properties having the same validation rules as the ISBN property, where we would need to duplicate that pattern.

As of Groovy 2.1, @groovy.transform.AnnotationCollector can be used to solve code duplication for this use case. @AnnotationCollector can be specified on annotation types and acts as meta-annotation. Whenever an annotation marked with it is found, it is replaced with its own annotations. Let’s illustrate this with our ISBN example.

We will create a new annotation combination for the 13-digit ISBN standard, but this time, using the @AnnotationCollector meta-annotation:

@interface ISBN13 {}

@ISBN13 as a single annotation can now be applied on code elements, instead of applying the entire annotation gang::

class Book {
    // ...
    String isbn13

What is particularly interesting with such meta-annotations is that they are actually replaced at compilation time with the real annotations. So if you counted the number of annotations on the isbn13 property, you would count 3 (@NotNull@Length and @Pattern). Thus, your underlying framework doesn’t need to know about that meta-annotation solution and act accordingly.

Alternate notation

In our example above, we annotated our meta-annotation with the annotations that are then combined. But for annotations for which you don’t need to specify arguments, you could have also passed the names of the annotations to combine as parameters to the annotation collector:

import groovy.transform.*
@groovy.transform.AnnotationCollector([ToString, Singleton])
@interface ChattySingleton {}

In the above case, we combine the @Singleton and @ToString transformation into a meta-annotation called @ChattySingleton.

Passing parameters

If you need to pass some specific parameter to one of the underlying annotations which are combined, you can still do so by passing the parameter to the meta-annotation.

Let’s assume we need to combine the following annotations:

@interface Service {}

@interface Transactional {
    String propagation() default "required"

We define the meta-annotation combining both the above annotations:

@groovy.transform.AnnotationCollector([Service, Transactional])
@interface TransactionalService {}

But we want to change the propagation strategy for the underlying @Transactional annotation, we do so by passing the parameter to the meta-annotation:

@TransactionalService(propagation = "mandatory")
class BankingService { }

Note that if two combined annotations share the same parameter name, the last annotation declared wins and gets the parameter passed to the meta-annotation.

Custom processor

If you need even more flexibility, meta-annotations allow you to define custom processors. The role of the custom processor is to go beyond the simple exchange of the meta-annotation with the combined annotations, to further customize the logic of that transformation.

Custom processors must be precompiled to take action, so we’ll create our processor, and then evaluate our final example with GroovyShell, but first, let’s talk about the use case.

We have two validation annotations for defining a minimum and maximum value for an integer property:

@interface Min {
    int value() default 0

@interface Max {
    int value() default 100

If we want to define a range of values, with a lower and an upper bound, we could define a new annotation and implement the associated validation logic, or we could use custom meta-annotation processors to replace a range annotation with a minimum and a maximum one.

So instead of writing:

class Room {
    int numberOfPersons

We could write:

class Room {
    @Range(from = 1, to = 4)
    int numberOfPersons

With the normal replacement logic, there’s no way we can map the lower and upper bound values to the minimum and maximum annotation element default values. That is where custom processors come into play.

Our meta-annotation definition will look like this:

@Min @Max
@AnnotationCollector(processor = 'RangeAnnotationProcessor')
@interface Range {}

Notice how we specify that the @Range annotation is a combination of @Min and @Max, and more importantly, how we pass a processor parameter to the @AnnotationCollector to instruct it about our custom meta-annotation processing logic.

In order to create a custom processor, you have to extend the AnnotationCollectorTransform class and override the visit() method:

import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.AnnotationCollectorTransform
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.*
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit

class RangeAnnotationProcessor extends AnnotationCollectorTransform {
    List<AnnotationNode> visit(AnnotationNode collector,
                               AnnotationNode usage,
                               AnnotatedNode annotated,
                               SourceUnit src) {

        def minExpr = usage.getMember('from')
        def maxExpr = usage.getMember('to')

        def (minAnno, maxAnno) = getTargetAnnotationList(collector, usage, src)

        minAnno.addMember('value', minExpr)
        maxAnno.addMember('value', maxExpr)


        return [minAnno, maxAnno]

A few words about the parameters : the collector corresponds to the @Range annotation definition, usage to the actual usage of the @Range annotation, annotated is the annotated class, and src is script being compiled.

We start our implementation of the processor by retrieving the numeric expressions of the bounds defined as the from and to annotation parameters, because we’ll pass those values back to the underlying @Min and @Max combined annotations. In order to do that, we retrieve the @Min and @Max combined annotations thanks to the getTargetAnnotationList() method. We then set the values of the @Min and @Max annotations to the expressions we’ve retrieved before. We remove the from and to bounds from the @Range meta-annotation since those parameters aren’t really defined on a real annotation but on a meta-annotation. And last, we return the two @Min and @Max annotations. If you wanted the Groovy compiler to do its usual replacement logic, you could have also called super.visit(…​), but in our case it wasn’t needed.

The full example can be found in this Gist on Github:

Additional details can be found in the meta-annotations documentation.

Compilation customization

Custom base script class flag

When integrating and evaluating Groovy scripts in an application for business rules or Domain-Specific Languages, it is often valuable to define a base script class, in order to add various utility methods, properties, or interception mechanisms for missing methods or properties.

The CompilerConfiguration object, that you can pass to GroovyShell and other integration mechanisms, allows you to specify a base script class with the setScriptBaseClass() method.

As of Groovy 2.1, we introduce the ability to define a base script class reference for your scripts via an additional command-line option -b /  --basescript for the groovyc command, as well as for the groovy command.

Here’s an example using a script called businessRule.groovy:

assert lookupRate(EUR, USD) == 1.33

In the above script, we notice two things: the usage of a lookupRate() method, and two undeclared variables: EUR and USD. Neither the method, nor the variables have been defined in our script. Instead, they are provided by a base script class, which can look like the following ExchangeRateBaseScript.groovy class:

abstract class ExchangeRateBaseScript extends Script {
    def lookupRate(String currency1, String currency2) {
        if (currency1 == 'EUR' && currency2 == 'USD')
            return 1.33
        else return 1

    def getProperty(String name) { name }

The lookupRate() method used in our script is declared in the base class, and the two currencies are retrieved via the getProperty() method.

Now it’s time to wire them together, by instructing the groovyc compiler or the groovy command line launcher to use our base script class for all groovy.lang.Script descendants:

groovy --basescript ExchangeRateBaseScript.groovy businessRule.groovy

Compiler configuration script

Similarly to the --basescript flag, there’s another new option for the groovy and groovyc commands: the --configscript flag. Its purpose is to let you further configure the compiler, in a configuration script, by parameterizing the CompilerConfiguration object used for the compilation.

With a CompilerConfiguration, you can customize the various aspects of the Groovy compilation process. For example, you can specify various compilation customizers introduced in Groovy 1.8. Imagine you want to add a new default import to your classes, like importing all java.lang.Math functions and constants, so that your scripts and classes don’t have to prefix those functions and constants all the time, and to avoid having to do that import wherever needed. Here’s how you can proceed.

At first, your script, mathFormula.groovy, contains the following lines:

import static java.lang.Math.*

assert sin(PI/2) == 1

For evaluating such math expressions, you wish to make the static import implicit, so that the final script will actually look like this:

assert sin(PI/2) == 1

If you’d run it as is, you’d get an error message saying:

No such property: PI for class: mathFormula

We need to use CompilerConfiguration to do add an ImportCustomizer. We’ll create an importConfigurer.groovy script with the content below:

import org.codehaus.groovy.control.customizers.ImportCustomizer

def importCustomizer = new ImportCustomizer()


We import and then instantiate an ImportCustomizer, on which we ask for a static star import of the methods and constants of the java.lang.Math class. Eventually, we pass that customizer to the configuration variable, which is an instance of CompilerConfiguration that will be used for the compilation of your math formula.

Now, we are able to execute your formula with the following command-line:

groovy --configscript importConfigurer.groovy mathFormula.groovy

Source-aware customizer

If you use the groovy compiler to compile all your classes, one drawback of the approach above is that the customization applies globally to all classes that are going to be compiled. You may want to add certain default imports only in certain classes (i.e. scripts containing math), but you might want to do something different for other classes, like adding a @ToString transformation to all the domain classes of your application. For that purpose, a new customizer was created, the SourceAwareCustomizer, to let you filter which classes should be impacted by particular compilation customizations, such as filtering by class name, by file extension, or by a custom logic.

Coming back to our previous example, let’s add the default import to our mathFormula.groovy script, but add a @ToString transformation to the MyDomain.groovy class:

import org.codehaus.groovy.control.customizers.*
import groovy.transform.ToString

def importCustomizer = new ImportCustomizer()

    new SourceAwareCustomizer(new ASTTransformationCustomizer(ToString)) {
        boolean acceptBaseName(baseName) { baseName ==~ 'MyDomain' }
    new SourceAwareCustomizer(importCustomizer) {
        boolean acceptBaseName(baseName) { baseName ==~ 'mathFormula' }

Compiler customization builder

The more complex the customization becomes, the more cumbersome the above configuration becomes to write too, that’s why Groovy 2.1 also provides a builder for building these types of configurations.

The builder allows you to use a familiar declarative syntax and saves you from adding manually various imports. Let’s adapt our example above with the builder:

withConfig(configuration) {
    source(basenameValidator: { it.endsWith('MyDomain') }) {
    source(basenameValidator: { it.endsWith('mathFormula') }) {
        imports {
            staticStar 'java.lang.Math'

The configuration code is easier to read and maintain, thanks to the clarity brought by the builder approach. But we’ve only seen a couple examples of customization, and you should have a look at the other customizations available in the org.codehaus.groovy.control.customizers.builder package to learn more about them.

More details can be found in the compilation customizers documentation.

Other Minor Enhancements

Additional DGM methods

There are now leftShift and withFormatter methods for Appendable objects.
There are now methods for creating temporary directories and determining the total size of all files in a directory.
There is now a collectMany for maps (has been backported to earlier versions of Groovy too).
There is now a closeStreams() method for Process objects.


You can now explicitly set a file encoding.


There is support for using a jar: prefix when running a script from a URL, in addition to the file: and http:.

XML Processing

There is a method for escaping / encoding XML entities in Strings.
There is a convenience method for serializing Elements objects. 
You can now clone Node and NodeList objects. 
The name() method now works for all Node objects, not just Element objects. 


Multiple environments blocks are now supported and merged.


Can now carry over annotations if desired for methods and method parameters.


You can now cache the toString value. This is useful for immutable objects.


You can now cache the calculated hashCode value. This is useful for immutable objects.


You can now specify knownImmutables. This is useful when you know you are using an immutable object, but its type isn’t one of the known immutable types.


There is now a SIMPLE AutoCloneStyle which avoids some annoyances with Java’s cloning behavior from Object. Those who need to clone Grails domain objects might find this useful.