Changelog for Groovy 4.0.10
- [GROOVY-10918] - Memory leak: local variable values are not discarded
- [GROOVY-10928] - Invalid stub code for interface field
- [GROOVY-10929] - Method closure somehow doesn't match argument
- [GROOVY-10933] - Bootstrap Method Error on non-void lambda for Consumer
- [GROOVY-10935] - MissingPropertyException truncates nested class name
- [GROOVY-10937] - record + lombok + groovy == Cannot specify duplicate annotation on the same member : lombok.NonNull
- [GROOVY-10939] - Non-static method java.lang.Object#hashCode cannot be called from static context
- [GROOVY-10955] - @Builder doesn't work on records
- [GROOVY-10962] - Instance "isser" prevents resolving of static "getter"
Dependency upgrade
- [GROOVY-10945] - Bump org.jfrog.buildinfo:build-info-extractor-gradle from 4.31.3 to 4.31.4 (build dependency)
- [GROOVY-10946] - Bump com.github.ben-manes.versions to 0.46.0 (build dependency)
- [GROOVY-10947] - Bump gradle/wrapper-validation-action from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6 (build dependency)
- [GROOVY-10965] - Bump javaparser to 3.25.1
- [GROOVY-10966] - Bump picocli to 4.7.1
- [GROOVY-10967] - Bump json-unit to 2.36.1 (test dependency)
- [GROOVY-10968] - Bump gson to 2.10.1 (test dependency)
- [GROOVY-10970] - Bump log4j2 version to 2.20.0 (test dependency)
- [GROOVY-11221] - Bump log4j2 version to 2.21.1 (test dependency)
- [GROOVY-10958] - Confusing error message from GroovyScriptEngine