Reporting Issues
Reporting issues
The Groovy project is using the JIRA bug tracker to report and track issues, feature enhancements, and new features.
Here is a checklist before creating a new issue:
- Check the existing documentation to make sure the behavior you are reporting is really a bug, not a feature.
- Check the existing issues to make sure you aren't experiencing an existing known bug. (In this case feel free to add additional information to the existing issue if you have new information.)
- You'll frequently wish to discuss your issue first on one of the mailing-lists or in one of the forums to make sure what you believe is a bug isn't really a feature or to gather support and ideas for your feature enhancement request. Alternatively, consider using the Slack channel. (This channel is not endorsed by the Apache Software Foundation; it's run by Groovy enthusiasts in the community.)
If proceeding with reporting a new issue, here are some tips for making a good bug/issue report:
- A meaningful title that captures how you believe Groovy is working incorrectly
- Relevant version information: Groovy version(s) showing the problem, Groovy version where the behavior last worked, JDK version, operating system or third-party library versions if relevant
- Any relevant stacktraces
- Preconditions and steps to reproduce the bug. Preferably with no (or as few as possible) dependencies on third-party projects/libraries
- Actual and expected results
- Any relevant additional information: are you using indy, static compilation, local meta-programming additions, other libraries that might have metaprogramming in play.
Ready to report a new issue? (You'll need to sign up and log in, before proceeding.)