Changelog for Groovy 4.0.26
- [GROOVY-11548] - Could not inherit class and interface where class has a final method overridden by interface
- [GROOVY-11559] - BUG! exception in phase 'instruction selection' of @CompileStatic method
- [GROOVY-11564] - SC: call site writer makes reference to removed method
- [GROOVY-11565] - empty if/else seems to confuse the parser
- [GROOVY-11570] - Groovy 4/5 not working in OSGi container
- [GROOVY-11572] - STC: spread on non-iterable type causes compiler error
Dependency upgrade
- [GROOVY-11574] - Bump junit5/junit5platform to 5.12.0/1.12.0
- [GROOVY-11575] - Bump gradle to 8.12.1 (build dependency)
- [GROOVY-11576] - Bump logback-classic to 1.3.15 (test dependency)
- [GROOVY-11573] - Propagate parameters flag from compiler configuration to javac