Changelog for Groovy 4.0.9


  • [GROOVY-10881] - FastStringUtils does not work in an OSGi environment
  • [GROOVY-10911] - General error during instruction selection: AIOOBE
  • [GROOVY-10919] - @MapConstructor Breaks in Groovy4 when combined with @TupleConstructor, fine in Groovy3
  • [GROOVY-10922] - stack overflow calling implicit getter/setter from override

Dependency upgrade

  • [GROOVY-10923] - Bump com.github.ben-manes.versions from 0.44.0 to 0.45.0 (build dependency)
  • [GROOVY-10924] - Bump com.gradle.enterprise from 3.12.2 to 3.12.3 (build dependency)
  • [GROOVY-10926] - Bump javaparser to 3.25.0
  • [GROOVY-10927] - Bump jackson to 2.14.2


  • [GROOVY-10891] - We should have variants of findResult/s with no Closure which use Closure.IDENTITY in that case