Changelog for Groovy 5.0.0-alpha-5
- [GROOVY-11117] - return first nested interface when GroovyClassLoader.parseClass parse interfaces with nested interfaces
- [GROOVY-11121] - unexpected error when having overloaded methods, one of which receiving an Iterable
- [GROOVY-11254] - Compiler crash: ClassNode#getTypeClass for TemporalAccessor called before the type class is set
- [GROOVY-11256] - Fail to identify direct call of abstract method
- [GROOVY-11257] - [STC] Cannot detect the type of Optional in some cases
- [GROOVY-11265] - Runtime rehydrate error for closure in interface default method
- [GROOVY-11269] - GroovyClassDoc has empty 'enumConstants' when call method GroovyDocParser.getClassDocsFromSingleSource(...)
- [GROOVY-11273] - Fail to identify updates on final variables declared in default methods
Dependency upgrade
- [GROOVY-9464] - GroovyDoc: List inherited properties
- [GROOVY-11255] - DGM#flatten flattens nested structures including arrays but not primitive arrays
- [GROOVY-11260] - ASTMatcher should support matching a var-arg placeholder
- [GROOVY-11262] - Avoid processing duplicated entries within META-INF
- [GROOVY-11272] - Generate `serialVersionUID` for each closure
New Feature
- [GROOVY-11261] - Provide a custom type checker for format strings